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The passion and industry knowledge comes from family.

Memories that bring us to the glitter of gold and gems reflections strung on ladies jewelry, paintings and art works, often as they got home they left to another place, my father opening the trunk of the car always cluttered, each more picturesque.

Beautiful inlaid wood furniture, clocks rang nonstop, my sister´s brass bed that looked like a princess bed, toys that I could not touch in case i could break them, and also objects with little value but full of oddity, in that world without Internet, that open the eyes of a child to discover new things.

Experiences that I made me an unusual collector, eclectic would be the word, since, due to the desire of knowledge, I was interested in most unusual, varied and exotic, very diverse and heterogeneous areas.

From a gas mask from World War I, an antique Domund (world mission Sunday) piggy bank, a music box and a miniature bronze sculpture, even a Match box of the beginning of the century, modernist pieces, a Casio watch with one of the first football games, a French pin that emitted red light and still I cannot remember where I lost.

A hobby that I have cultivated over time and also has been instrumental in my obsession to learn about other cultures, and that drive, always latent, to investigate, track and deepen in history and period objects that come to us from the past, without losing sight of today’s objects that tomorrow will become classics.

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